Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 ways to achieve success

1. Have a vision: It is important to have a dream or a vision. This should be both for yourself and for your organization. Always dream big and aim high.

2. Set a measurable milestone: before starting a new project, be sure of the end result. Define measurable milestones. Keep enough time in between two projects. Don't lose customer focus - always keep in mind what your output will be and how it will make a difference to your customers (co-workers/departments).

3. Take responsibility: you should be a leader and inspire people around you. Try to build team spirit and constantly encourage your team-mates. Communicate and share success, plans, visions and problems with your team members. Always give a macro picture to your team. It's important that the members know the big picture and where they fit in.

4. Play on your strengths: be passionate about and committed to your dreams and goals. Be determined to make a difference in whatever you do and don't be afraid of making mistakes. Believe in yourself and play on your strengths. Have a style — do things differently — create an identity for yourself.

5. Keep a check: always keep a check on what you are doing. Assess your progress and measure it against the objectives and goals you had set. Seek a feedback and make the necessary corrections. Learn from your own as well as other's successes and failures.

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